Tuesday, March 22, 2011

America: The Not So Intelligent

How is it that as a country we are so fixated on the life of a celebrity that if we were asked any question about his or her's current situation that we could tell you everything, but when it comes to situations that are more serious and making history we are dumbfounded? It has really come to my attention that here in America we are so caught up in the "Hollywood" lifestyles, relationships, scandals that we tend to push aside more important matters and not realize what is really going on until something HUGE happens. It's sad to admit this, but it is true. To think back on the days when news was really about what was going on in the world, or locally and informed you on things that may concern you. Now it still may be that, but here and there a story manages to squeeze in about what Lindsay Lohan is getting arrested for once again or if Charlie Scheen has gone off the deep end. It's crazy.

Last semester, in one of my classes we were given a quiz that was basically asked a series of questions and showed pictures of different officials around the world and we had to guess who they were. I knew a few people, but for the most part I was clueless. Then we took another quiz that was all based on pop culture and of course I had no problem writing down the answers to those. At the time it was fun to do something like this, but our professor really brought to our attention and mine that we are brainwashed to knowing all these pointless things when we really should know who the Secretary of State is. It is almost embarrassing to know that more than half the population of this country would do better on a pop culture quiz than probably your basic history test.

The reason that I am writing about this is because I am just as guilty as everyone else, but I don't want to be. I don't want to be the person who is caught up in pointless news or even drama for that matter. I want to be educated about more important things that really are impacting my life and other's lives. I have been really striving to make an effort in reading up on world news each day and leaning away from the gossip sites since they aren't going to do me any good besides fill my head with stupid nonsense.

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