Saturday, February 19, 2011

Safety First

On Friday night I came home late to find that the side door to my house was wide open. Immediately I freaked out. I was with a friend and we both walked in panicked that someone could potentially be roaming around the house without anyone knowing, so out of the kindness of our hearts (or as some people will say just being plain loud) we ran through the hallways screaming and yelling to tell everyone that someone had left the side door open. Besides the fact that it was sort of funny at the time, it really is a serious matter. Thankfully on all the doors to our rooms have locks and I locked mine before I left, but for those people who didn't if someone were to have got in the house who knows what could have happened. You here all these stories of young girls getting raped at different college campuses and you always think that won't be me, but in this case it could have been.

I really think that where I live, which is in Greek Court that it would not be that hard for someone who had bad intentions to get into the houses or approach someone since the lighting is minimal. It scares me at night when I come home struggling to find my keys that there isn't a light by my back door and that anyone could be hiding there and waiting to get me or someone that I know. I just think that the safety measures need to be raised and that not only should it be the effort of the residences but the university as well.

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