Monday, April 4, 2011

Helping A Sister Out

Amongst the crazy schedules and dedication to our tasks that we must meet, my sorority always finds time to reach out to someone who is need. We may have our philanthropies that we are nationally required to help out, but there are those little inspirations that spark us to lend a helping hand. Last year, we took the opportunity to not only raise money to help out a family who is no longer with us and construct a dedication site for them, but to also gain new friends throughout the Greek community. For months we worked our butts off to help raise $1000 dollars for Sheri Ann Her Boys, which was a woman and her two sons that were murdered by the husband about two years ago. It was a struggle, but the best part of it all was having the family visit us and thank us for helping them. Just to know we reached out like that and have a personal thank you was enough.

This year unfortunately something hit a little too close for a home for all us. One of our sisters, Briana Silver who had just joined the sorority back in the fall became extremely ill. At first we thought she will get through this, but then things went all wrong. What started off as mono turned into be diagnosed with Lemierre's Syndrome. There are only 161 reported cases in the world and it is an extremely rare syndrome to catch. During the entire month of December we were on our toes waiting everyday to hear from her family if she was going to get better, but only worse news kept coming. Briana was put in a medical coma for a few weeks and during those weeks we had many scares of if she really was going to make it. Thankfully, by the end of January we were told that Briana would survive however she would never be the same again. Since her body went through so much weight loss and destruction that she would have to go through months and months of therapy and rehab. Today Briana is doing so much better, but we know each day is hard for her family and for us.

Due to this horrible experience, we felt as sisters that we really should take on Briana's story and help her family out. This year we are doing something small such as a Bake Sale since with the time crunch, but next year we hope to do something HUGE. We are holding the bake sale in Coleman at the southeast corner from 11am-2pm each day this week. All baked goods are 75 cents and we also accept any donations as well. We really hope to one day share Briana's story with everyone and let them know that you should live life to the fullest and never take anything for granted.

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